Thursday, May 12, 2016

Getting Ready to Go

L to R:BECA students Kamran Rathod, Jumana Zahid, Kara De La Paz & Abene Clayton

BECA students are getting ready for another adventure! Nine students are enrolled in BECA 581 in the spring semester of 2016. We have spent the semester learning about Tanzania from a panel of exceptional guest speakers. In addition, students have been producing two videos for the regional office of the American Field Service (AFS).

Today, Dr. Marissa Mika, a historian who teaches at University of San Francisco, spoke to the class about the history of Tanzania in the context of health care.  She works primarily in Uganda, but she was able to describe changes in Tanzania over the last 150 years that help to explain the state of health care today.

AFS representatives Sabine Wimmer (L) and Susan Allen

Immediately afterwards, two representatives of the American Field Service, Susan Allen and Sabine Wimmer, visited the class to see and comment on the rough cuts for the videos we have been working on this semester.  They provided useful comments that will guide the teams in final edits for the two videos - one to attract parents to becoming a host family, and another aimed at teenagers to encourage them to welcoming an exchange student as a sibling for a year.

Finally, we watched a segment of last night's "60 MInutes" show.  The segment showed the Rift Valley Children's Home near Karatu.  Brian Favorite, the Production Coordinator for the spring and summer classes, and I visited this organization in 2013, and the students on that trip interviewed the woman who was profiled in the "60 Minutes" piece. It was fun to share this wonderful organization with students who will travel to Tanzania this year.

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