Friday, June 3, 2016

Equipment Check

Bottom row: Brian Favorite, Jumana Zahid, Samantha Powell, Betsy Blosser, Abene Clayton, Kamran Rathod; Top row: Ivan Ho, Ashley Habr
The last thing we do at SFSU before leaving on a trip is an equipment check.  We gather as close to the time of departure as is possible to pick up the equipment we're taking, check it all both to make sure everything's there and that it works properly, and then allocate it for carrying on the plane.  Sometimes, we change our minds about what we want to take. Sometimes we need to consult on a particular piece of equipment and where or how it should be carried. And sometimes, TSA regulations dictate how we carry things. For example, they tell us to carry AC cables in checked baggage rather than in carry on. (You wouldn't want us to strangle someone with a cable!)  The equipment check is a necessary interlude in the process of preparing to leave the country. 

Usually, we have our equipment check in Studio Two, but the good news is the lights in the studios are being replaced! (For those who know the BECA studios, this is PHENOMENAL news!) So . . . rather than interrupt that process, we worked on the loading dock, just outside Studio One.

As the last thing before leaving, we ask Jeff Rosenstock, who has been a consistent supporter of this project and who is in charge of the BECA Cage, to take the final photo. And here we all are (minus Nick Chiang). Many thanks to Jeff - for the photo and for ALL the help!

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